What is The Diabetter Life?

Discover an assortment of articles, recipes and stories about life with diabetes. This is a place to find food or travel inspiration and to share thoughts and experiences. It's a view of the world through the eyes of a diabetic

Why is it important?

Because we need to talk about diabetes

The thing is, most people think that diabetics just need to inject a bit of insulin and they’re fixed. But for me, being diagnosed with Type 1 changed everything. Diabetics can still do what we want, be who we want; diabetes can’t hold us back, but it does alter the way we approach daily activities and, to an extent, the way we think.

For instance, non-diabetics probably don’t realise that when we see a plate of food, our brains automatically calculate an estimate of how many carbs it contains before we’ve even thought about how it would taste. They probably don’t realise that when we’re out drinking with friends, we’re always slightly on edge in case the alcohol makes our blood sugar crash. They probably don’t realise that when we travel to a hot country we need to have access to a fridge at all times so that our insulin doesn’t overheat. The list goes on.

What I’m trying to say, is that sometimes being diabetic is really tough. And through no fault of their own, people don’t always understand. So I want to talk openly about frustrations and worries, but also to share the good stuff – diabetic friendly recipes, restaurants and general experiences. Because whatever we feel, we are not alone.