
Is there life after lockdown?

by TéaJune 08, 2020

Lockdown is easing in London and every green space has a gaudy pebbledash of picnic blankets. But is it really safe? And will it ever be safe for somebody with a health condition, or will the rancid fear of contracting COVID seep into all of my social interactions going forward?

I don’t trust the government, a statement which has become bizarrely commonplace in a democratic society. Innumerable scientists have spoken out against the government’s unwavering pursuit of their lockdown roadmap, emphasising that daily cases are still too high for a relaxation of measures. A track and trace system cannot operate effectively with the current deluge of over 1000 daily new cases. But really Boris Johnson is aware of this yet is persisting regardless, because he hopes it will absolve Dominic Cummings of responsibility for his feckless escapades to Durham.

So where does that leave the rest of us? I don’t believe it’s safe to return to normality yet, but how will I know when it is, given that the government’s decisions are politically rather than scientifically motivated? You can forgive me for being a little sceptical of Dominic Cummings’ approach to science when he believes it is appropriate to test his eyes by driving his wife and child twenty miles down the motorway. I’m no optician, but I’ve never attended an eye test that incorporates 4-year-olds or historical monuments.

I am incredibly lucky that I can work from home throughout the chaos. But what about all the diabetic cleaners, construction workers and retail workers who are being forced back to work? It seems to me that the government has reverted to its original herd immunity experiment, only this time it’s herd immunity for those in low-paid jobs.

Yet I can’t blame everything on the government. In fact, sometimes it seems overwhelmingly my fault for being diabetic. My family are too concerned to resume their social lives, my boyfriend has asked to work from home indefinitely, all because of me. I never could have imagined that aged 23 my health would be a burden on my family.

I have moments where I just want to catch the virus and confront whatever comes next, to free myself from this stagnant limbo fearing the unknown. Then tendrils of anxiety curl into my mind: what about all those reports of Type 1 deaths in the media?

I feel angry at the government and angry at myself, angry that I’m diabetic. On the other hand, I’m extraordinarily grateful to those around me for the sacrifices they have made. I just wish they weren’t necessary.

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