- Chop the courgettes very finely with the skin on (the skin will add a bit of texture to the fondue)
- Heat the oil in a large frying pan (preferably with high sides)
- Add the courgettes in the pan, sprinkle a bit of salt, and let it cook down, covered, for 20 minutes on low heat, stirring it from time to time
- Crush the garlic, and once the courgettes have cooked down, put the stove on medium heat and add the garlic and the spices
- Let it cook for 5 minutes (if the fondue dries to much, reduce the stove to low heat)
- In the meantime, heat a frying pan on high heat. Once it is hot, add the butter and the salmon, skin side. Let it cook for 5 minutes and flip it
- Once the courgettes have a creamy texture, reduce the stove to low heat and add the cream cheese. Mix it evenly throughout then add the parmesan
- Once the parmesan as melted, turn of the heat on both pans and serve